I found out that it's possible to add custom task panes to individual windows like e.g. the appointment with this code snippet:
public void Inspectors_NewInspector(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Inspector Inspector)
Microsoft.Office.Tools.CustomTaskPane myCustomTaskPane;
if(Inspector.CurrentItem is Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AppointmentItem ) {
UserControl uc1 = MyUserControl();
myCustomTaskPane = getAddIn().CustomTaskPanes.Add(uc1, "MyPanel",Inspector);
myCustomTaskPane.DockPosition = Office.MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionRight;
myCustomTaskPane.DockPositionRestrict = Office.MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict.msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoChange;
myCustomTaskPane.Visible = true;
//Additionally You can add a property change listener to the current Item here
however, I use 'NetOffice' instead of VSTO to have the add-in compatible with various Outlook versions. And there the add-in doesn't have the CustomTaskPanes
property, and the TaskPanes.Add
property isn't overloaded to allow adding custom panes on other window than the main explorer.
Ok, worked it out in following way.
In the ComAddin
class I have a local variable
Office._CustomTaskPane _taskPane;
and I set the variable on the overriden CTPFactoryAvailable
public override void CTPFactoryAvailable(object CTPFactoryInst)
_ctpFactory = new NetOffice.OfficeApi.ICTPFactory(this.Application, CTPFactoryInst);
Then - when the addin is loaded - I'm adding an event handler to the NewInspectorEvent
private void Addin_OnStartupComplete(ref Array custom)
var inspectors = Application.Inspectors as NetOffice.OutlookApi.Inspectors;
inspectors.NewInspectorEvent += Inspectors_NewInspectorEvent;
In the event handler for creating a new inspector window, I'm creating the pane:
private void Inspectors_NewInspectorEvent(_Inspector Inspector)
var ai = Inspector.CurrentItem as AppointmentItem;
if (ai == null)
var ins = Inspector as NetOffice.OutlookApi.Inspector;
_taskPane = _ctpFactory.CreateCTP(typeof(Addin).Assembly.GetName().Name + ".UserControl1", "My title", Inspector);
_taskPane.DockPosition = MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionTop;
_taskPane.Height = 50;
_taskPane.Visible = true;
This draft proof of concept works for me.