I got a PreferenceActivity
. When a user is changing a preference, I want to save some additional preferences so inside the OnPreferencesChange
method, I got something like this:
if(p.getKey().equals("mykey")) //there is no issue with this if. it enters and get inside to the commit command
return true;
I also got a Service (which is of course a different class than that of the PreferenceActivity) in which I want to read the preferences. So I'm doing something like this:
sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences();
String val1 = dsp.getString("myKey","default1");
String val2 = dsp.getString("otherKey","default2");
I get the correct value of "mykey", but always get "default2" for the "otherKey". Why is that? Could it be that the Service get the wrong SharedPreference?
Instead of
PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences( this ).edit().putString("otherKey","value").commit();
returns a "SharedPreferences object for accessing preferences that are private to this activity", according to the documentation.