I am new to Sikuli. I am Automating a web application that have option to upload a file.
When I click on upload button it opens a popup window.In that window I have to select a file. How I can do it using sikuli.
I am using linux operating system so I can't use AutoIT.
Below is my code which I am trying
public static void imageClick()
Screen s= new Screen();
try {
System.out.println("Desktop is selected");
} catch (FindFailed e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Desktop.png is a image file which I kept in my project. first I am searching it then clicking on it.
Anyone can help me how I can achieve this. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Finally I done in in below way First import sikuli jar file to your project Capture the Image where you want to click and save it to some location for Ex. /home/dev/Desktop/abc.png
Screen s = new Screen(); //Created the Object of screen class s.click("/home/dev/Desktop/abc.png");