Trying to write a simple script for combining PDF's with similar names
Script so far
paste $f1 $f2
pdftk $f1 $2 output "$f1"_combined.pdf
Paste command output these correctly into two data columns
A001.pdf A001_T.pdf
A0002.pdf A0002_T.pdf
A03.pdf A03_T.pdf
A0004.pdf A0004_T.pdf
The outcome that I'm looking for is to combine the PDF's with similar names into a new file with "_combined" at the end
I'm missing a logical step to put this files into a while read or something?
I could find a one-liner solution:
paste filesa.txt filesb.txt | while read -r fileA fileB; do pdftk $fileA $fileB output ${fileA%.*}_combined.pdf; done
You need to iterate over the result of paste
, which I did with the while loop.