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std_logic to integer conversion

I would like to convert my sys-clock (std_logic) to an integer value (sys_clk). Therefore I am using following libs:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

-- code example 
sys_clk         : INTEGER;
clk_clk         : in  std_logic;

how can I convert the clk_clk to my sys_clk?



  • Assuming conversion from std_logic as '0' and '1' to integer as 0 and 1, you can make concurrent statements like:

    sys_clk <= 1 when (clk_clk = '1') else 0;


    sys_clk <= to_integer(unsigned'('0' & clk_clk));

    Besides, there are some syntax errors in the declarations.