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Point of sale EMV performance testing

I am working on a POC to test a Point of sale application that used EMV concept - Chip & PIN credit cards.

Has any performance tested this in the past? If so, how is it possible to simulate the card swipe during performance testing. In EMV, each card swipe will create a unique data and it can't be re-used for multiple transactions.

Thanks Anna


  • You won't be able to run performance tests on your POS with EMV contact cards, unless you have some dedicated hardware. As support pointed out, your main issue will be required human interactions (pin input).

    However, if your hardware supports contactless EMV, you may hack your way around by simply taping a contactless EMV card on your POS card reader. Provided the transactions amount are small enough to not require a PIN, or to switch to the card contact interface, that may do the trick.