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Ansible apt-get install output

I am using vagrant with an ansible playbook to automatically install a bunch of programs on an ubuntu image. One program is failing to install on the vagrant VM. In the Vagrant file I have

config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
  ansible.verbose = "vvv"
  ansible.playbook = "provisioning/playbook.yml"

but the verbose output does not include the apt-get output. My playbook.yml looks like

- hosts: all
  sudo: true
    - name: get vi
      apt: state=latest name=vim  

How can I see the console output of an individual (or all) apt-get install's on the VM since ansible instead outputs each install in the format

TASK: [Install vim] *********************************************************** 
failed: [default] => {"failed": true}


  • You can register to a variable the output of the apt module execution and then print it.

    - hosts: localhost
      sudo: true
        - name: get vi
          apt: state=latest name=vim
          register: aptout
        # show the content of aptout var
        - debug: var=aptout