I have the array of objects. when I require to filter the object by single vaue i am doing like this:
$scope.filteredByPhase = $filter('filter')($scope.allApps, {Phase:"All"});
$scope.allAppsBatch = $scope.filteredByPhase;
But as a option, I would like to filter the objects by 2 'Phase` values by "All" or "Home" in this case how to filter?
I tried like this:
$scope.filteredByPhase = $filter('filter')($scope.allApps, {Phase:("All" || "Home")});
$scope.allAppsBatch = $scope.filteredByPhase;
But not works.. any one guide me please?
In AngularJS, you can use a function as an expression in the filter. In the function you can validate the condition and return Boolean value. All the falsy
items are filtered out of the result. So you can do
$scope.filteredByPhase = $filter('filter')($scope.allApps, function (app) {
if (app.Phase == "All" || app.Phase == "Home") {
return true;
return false;
Read More : AngularJS Filter Documentation