Sorry, totally beginner of Dashing :(
I have these lines in my .erb file:
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="welcome" data-view="Text" data-title="Godmorning team" data-text="Today SCRUM meeting is at 9:00" data-moreinfo="Protip: You can drag the widgets around!"></div>
Now in my .rb file I want to have a schedueler say every 1h that update this data-id "welcome" with a new data-text, something like this:
SCHEDULER.every '1h' do
dataTextToPresent = DataTextToPresent.getCurrentdataToPresent #returning a string
puts dataTextToPresent #This print out "Today SCRUM meeting at new time, at 15:00"
send_event('welcome', dataTextToPresent)
But I can not get this send_event call to work. How should the send_event call be designed to update the data-text with the new data in the variable dataTextToPresent?
You are not telling dashing to set text to your text, try this instead
send_event('welcome', {text: dataTextToPresent})