Search code examples

find /path/ -ctime 1 what does it do? PERL

find /path/ -ctime 1 or find /path/ -ctime -1

As a non native english speaker is hard to me to understand exactaly what this does.

I'm trying to find files that are older than n days and delete them after using

foreach my $l (@list){
 `rm $l`;


what is going on here then? Why is it not removing the files?

my @a = `find /home/osboxes/Desktop/teste -ctime -1`;
print @a;

foreach my $l (@a){
 unlink $linha;

I have tried using the shell to rm the files:

rm $linha;




  • The find command is not in perl, it's in the shell. In other words, it's a system command. You can learn about it by reading the find man page.

    The -ctime test checks whether the file's status was changed before (+1) or after (-1) 1 day from today. You can read more about ctime here.