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how can you set grunt postCSS options?

Setup postCSS in my gruntfile, primarily as a convenient way to handle autoprefixing and minification, using the following code.

postcss: {
  options: {
    map: false, // inline sourcemaps

    processors: [
      browsers: ['last 10 versions', 'ie 9'],
      remove: false,
      map: true,
    }), // add vendor prefixes
    require('cssnano')() // minify the result
style: {
  src: '<%= dirs.sassBuild %>/style.css',
  dest: '<%= dirs.publicCss %>/style.min.css'
admin: {
  src: '<%= dirs.sassBuild %>/admin.css',
  dest: '<%= dirs.publicCss %>/admin.min.css'


The to my horror, I discovered that its mangling my RGBA values, making them HSLA, converting my carefully crafted REM units to pc, adjusting my z-indexes, and god knows what else.

I understand that these are all "features" of postCSS, none of which I want.

Having had a look at some of the documentation its not obvious to me that a) I can disable this behaviour, or b) how to do it with grunt.

is it possible to take back control of these features specifically?


  • The optimisations for CSSnano can be found at:

    You can disable some optimisations be setting the option to false. So for instance to disable postcss-calc:

    require('cssnano')({calc: false}) // minify the result

    You also wrote that your rem values are converted to px values as far as i do understand neither autoprefixer nor cssnano does perform this conversion.