What's the purpose of declaring the a view with views:{}
.state('app.example', {
url: "/example",
views: {
'my-example': {
templateUrl: "views/example.html",
controller: 'myCtrl'
as opposed to this
.state('app.example', {
url: "/example"
templateUrl: "views/example.html",
controller: 'myCtrl'
Ok I figured it out and I created a codepen for this to get it to fit nicely inside other ionic app. This updates the child view when a button or a sidemenu item is pressed with more detail inside the codepen by making multiple child views share a name like so
views: {
'shared-child-view' :{
templateUrl: "[path to your children, in our case child1.html and child2.html]"
where it would look something like this
.state('sidemenu.parent.child1', {
url: "/child1",
views: {
'shared-child-view' :{
templateUrl: "child1.html"
.state('sidemenu.parent.child2', {
url: "/child2",
views: {
'shared-child-view': {
templateUrl: "child2.html"
Where it can sit in a parent that sits in an abstract state like this (but it doesnt have to but It's likely that this is how your ionic app will be setup):
.state('sidemenu', {
url: "/sidemenu",
abstract: true,
templateUrl: "sidemenu.html"
.state('sidemenu.parent', {
url: "/parent",
views: {
'menuContent' :{
templateUrl: "parent.html"
You can alternate or change each child view inside a view to evrey view with the same name, in this case "shared-child-state"
<div ui-view name="shared-child-view"></div>
and it can be made clickable with
<a href="#/sidemenu/parent/child2" class="item">Child View 2
This doesnt work if you use ui-serf
I hope this helps someone!