I have an gulp client side build set up. Some steps are css/js/html minification/concatenation and etc. Standard stuff. I'm using gulp 3.9.0. The issue I'm struggling with is that gulp.watch
does not pick up new files (changed/deleted events are triggering my callback, but added is not raised):
function watchThis(paths, key, suffix) {
gulpUtil.log('Watching ' + gulpUtil.colors.cyan(paths + " as " + key + suffix));
gulp.watch(paths, function(event) {
gulpUtil.log("File event: " + gulpUtil.colors.cyan(path.basename(event.path) + ' ' + event.type));
gulp.start(key + suffix);
}).on('error', function(error) {
I don't want to use gulp-watch
plugin as I just dropped it - I had some other issues with it including it was too slow on large projects + it sometimes was hunging. gulp.watch
it lightning fast and robust so far, but the only issue is that it does not detect when files are added.
How can I fix it?
Per this answer, there is a weird case with the path value.
Removing ./ from glob fixes it.