This error showed when I tried to select on an empty table in MS SQL Server 2005: "either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted". I have used TADOConnection and TADODataSet in Delphi 5 to connect and retrieve data from the database.
Conn := TADOConnection.Create(nil);
DataSet := TADODataSet.Create(nil);
Conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=sa;' +
'Persist Security Info=True;' +
'User ID=user;Initial Catalog=mydb;' +
'Data Source=MYPC\SQLEXPRESS;' +
'Use Procedure for Prepare=1;' +
'Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;' +
'Workstation ID=MYPC;' +
'Use Encryption for Data=False;' +
'Tag with column collation when possible=False';
Conn.LoginPrompt := False;
DataSet.Connection := Conn;
DataSet.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM MYTABLE';
Is there a way to check if a database table is empty without incurring such error?
This error originally occured with an update to MDAC_TYP (to 2.6 from memory). According to an old Borland advisory
"This is a bug in the SQL Server provider. Set
CursorLocation = clUseClient
to eliminate the error."
There was a ADOExpress patch available from Borland, but the link doesn't work. Embarcadero now host it here: for the official link Jeroen!)
I would recommend downloading and installing all patches listed on the Embarcadero site, assuming you can find them.