I have 3 objects in my application, Games, Questions, and Answers.
The classes are configured as such:
class Game{
Question[] questions;
class Question{
Answer[] answers;
class Answer{
I am trying to correctly configure an ngResource to handle this class setup. Ideally, what I'd like to achieve is something like this:
app.factory('gameRepository', function($resource){
var gameResource = $resource('/api/Games/:id', { id: '@id' });
return {
get: function(id){ return gameResource.get({id: id}); }
app.controller('myController', function(gameRepository){
var game = gameRepository.get(17);
var questions = game.$getQuestions();
var answers = questions[0].$getAnswers();
I know that some of this can be achieved by doing this:
var gameResource = $resource('/api/Games/:id/:action', { id: '@id', action: '@action' },
getQuestions: { method: 'GET', isArray: true, params: { action: 'Questions'}
However, I get stuck after this point. Ideally, what I'd like to do is have the $getAnswers method return an object from a different resource (a new questionsResource) and then in turn, have a $getAnswers method that returns from an answers resource. The goal here is to keep the methods on the actual resource object instead of extracting them to a separate factory/service call.
Additionally, I'd like to be able to request a specific question from the repository. Something like this:
var game = gameRepository.get(17);
var question = game.$getQuestion(1);
As far as I can tell, there's no way to pass a specific parameter to a $resource custom action the way I'm using them.
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks!
This ended up being way easier than I thought.
The $resource function creates a function that all objects returned from the resource inherit. As a result you can do something like this:
gameResource.prototype.$getQuestion = function(id){ ... }