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WCF service is receiving null value from client

I wrote a service that implements functions performing video process.

From the client (console project), I call a function of the service, using the client service reference, and send as parameter to the function a FileStream (I verified that indeed it got correct value on client side).

But when the FileStream parameter gets to the service - I get null exception problem, with no correct value inside the FileStream.

How can I resolve it?

My code:


public class VideoProcess : IVideoProcess
    public void UploadVideo(int VideoPartNumber, FileStream videoFile, Guid ApplicatId, Guid TransactionCode)

My client:

 FileStream videoFile = new FileStream(@"C:\VJob\gizmo.mp4", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);     

//vpc id the client service reference
vpc.UploadVideo(2222, videoFile, new Guid("324792c9-d43c-4e38-8f94-7fc0ed2d7492"), Guid.NewGuid());


  • When you receive wcf request in your service, the FileStream object is serialized then deserialized to a new object and this new object will be a Stream, not a FileStream. Stream object does not have a Name property. From another point FileStream is backed up by a local file system. Since it is obvious to send the file contents to remote service, not the file system, it is not logical to send the Name property.

    If your service app depends on the Name property, then you can send the name data to service with another parameter like:

    public class VideoProcess : IVideoProcess
        public void UploadVideo(int VideoPartNumber, Stream videoData, String videoFileName, Guid ApplicatId, Guid TransactionCode)

    or create a model then use it like:

    public class VideoPart {
        public Stream data {get;set;}
        public String Name {get;set;}
        public int VideoPartNumber {get;set;}
    //then the server method signature would be
    public class VideoProcess : IVideoProcess
        public void UploadVideo(VideoPart part, Guid ApplicatId, Guid TransactionCode)
            // ... some process ...