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use LINQ on XmlNodeList

<X version="1.0">
  <Y id="abc" abv="a"/>
  <Y id="edf" abv="e"/>

I want to select the node whose id is "abc", and return its abv "a".

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList list = doc.SelectNodes("X/Y");
var node = list.Cast<XmlNode>().Where(node => node["id"].InnerText == "abc")

But it does't work, node["id"].InnerText is always "". Can you point out where is a problem?

Thanks a lot


  • The InnerText for a node is the text that appears between <node> and </node>. So for, eg <Y attributes /> there is no inner text.

    You need to use node => node.Attributes["id"].Value == "abc"