On mac os, i would do this:
php -r "print_r(get_loaded_extensions());"
on the terminal to get the loaded extensions
but in windows server 2012, i am getting error that php is not recognised
what should i do to get the loaded extension on windows server 2012?
i am on xampp
Create a file in htdocs folder with this content, then access it by browser
echo '<pre>';
[0] => Core
[1] => bcmath
[2] => calendar
[3] => ctype
[4] => date
[5] => ereg
[6] => filter
[7] => ftp
[8] => hash
[9] => iconv
[10] => json
[11] => mcrypt
[12] => SPL
Accessing by command line
At keyboard press winkey + break/pause, go on advanced settings, then create a new environment variable with name PHP_HOME
value must be the php path, after this edit the variable path
, put the cursor at end and add ;%PHP_HOME%;
confirm all operations, open a new cmd, try php -v