I have a set of existing nodes for a content type ('foo'). Since then I have installed the Automatic Nodetitles module, which has helped tremendously, since I no longer need to work hard to make standardized names for each node of that type. I have used Automatic Nodetitles in conjunction with Tokens to create an automatic title naming pattern based on Node and CCK fields. This works perfectly for any new node I create of this content types?
How do I refresh existing nodes to pick up their titles with the "Automatic Nodetitles" Drupal 6 module?
You can also use Views Bulk Operations' built-in "List all content" replacement view (defaults to admin/content/node2), which will give you more flexibility in selecting/filtering nodes to update. VBO also allows you to select and perform an action on all nodes, rather than just a page at a time, like Drupal's default content listing.