I am trying to replace existing video on VIMEO with advanced api from : https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo.php#replace-videos-from-the-server.
The code is:
$vimeo = new \Vimeo\Vimeo('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
$video_id_on_vimeo = 123456; // not real id
$vimeo->replace("/videos/" . $video_id_on_vimeo, $path_to_file, false);
However it throws me an error "Unable to get an upload ticket.[The requested user could not be found]'
All other commands do work. I am using OAUTH 2 and scopes configured for using apis are: public private purchased create edit delete interact upload.
in order to run example, just execute POST request to http://panels.veedi.com/api/video/test
Vimeo development team fixed the bug. Now everything is working. In addition in API description of replacement process, they have mistake. Instead of:
$response = $lib->upload('/videos/12345', '/home/aaron/Downloads/ada.mp4', false);
You should use:
$response = $lib->replace('/videos/12345', '/home/aaron/Downloads/ada.mp4', false);