i'm having some performance problems with a frequently used query.
coalesce((SELECT sum(amount) FROM artjournal WHERE variant_ref=v.id AND storage_ref=1 AND atype_ref in (1,3,4)), 0) "fv",
coalesce((SELECT sum(amount) FROM artjournal WHERE variant_ref=v.id AND storage_ref=1 AND atype_ref=2), 0) "ivo",
coalesce((SELECT sum(amount) FROM artjournal WHERE variant_ref=v.id AND storage_ref=1 AND atype_ref=5), 0) "iio",
coalesce((SELECT sum(amount * mvalue) FROM artjournal WHERE variant_ref=v.id AND storage_ref=1), 0) "vw"
FROM productvariant v
since artjournal is a big table and gets thousands of new records each day the performance is getting terrible.
I have indices on all ID fields.
Is there a way to rewrite this statement to speed things up? Or can i use a different way to retrieve the data from the artjournal table and return 0 if result is null?
Thanks for your thoughts,
Looks like you want a filtered aggregate:
SELECT v.id,
sum(case when a.atype_ref in (1,3,4) then a.amount else 0 end) as "fv",
sum(case when a.atype_ref = 2 then a.amount else 0 end) as "ivo",
sum(case when a.atype_ref = 5 then a.amount else 0 end) as "iio",
sum(a.amount * a.mvalue) as "vw"
FROM productvariant v
LEFT JOIN artjournal a ON a.variant_ref = v.id
WHERE storage_ref = 1
GROUP BY v.id;