Lets say I make an egg
~/toolz$ python setup.py bdist_egg
creating 'dist/toolz-0.7.4-py3.4.egg'
How do I detect the module name of this egg? Will it always be the word preceding the version string?
>>> egg_name = 'toolz-0.7.4-py3.4.egg'
>>> egg_name.split('-')[0]
Or does this fail sometimes? Is there a library I should use for this instead?
In [1]: import pkg_resources
In [2]: pkgs = list(pkg_resources.find_distributions('dist/toolz-0.7.4-py2.7.egg'))
In [3]: assert len(pkgs) == 1
In [4]: pkg = pkgs[0]
In [5]: pkg.project_name
Out[5]: 'toolz'