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Sending cluster gossip to Azure worker role console

I'm developing an Azure cloud service including multiple worker roles that form an cluster. How do I accomplish getting the cluster gossip and other messages end up in the compute emulator console windows?


  • At the moment I'm working on an Akka.NET cluster that will be hosted as Azure Cloud Services and ran into the same problem.

    The quickest way I found to accomplish this is to write a logging adapter (though I' still relatively new to Akka.NET, so take this advice with a pinch of salt). Here's the basic one I'm using for now:

    public class ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger : ReceiveActor
        public ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger()
            Receive<InitializeLogger>(_ =>
                Trace.WriteLine("Compute emulator console logger started.");
                Sender.Tell(new LoggerInitialized());
            Receive<LogEvent>(ev =>

    And in the akka HOCON configuration section add the class' path and assembly name, for example:

    loggers = [ "WorkerRole2.ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger,WorkerRole2" ]

    It's not perfect, but as you can see it works well enough so you're not pulling your hair out wondering what the actor system is up to:
