I'm developing an Azure cloud service including multiple worker roles that form an akka.net cluster. How do I accomplish getting the cluster gossip and other messages end up in the compute emulator console windows?
At the moment I'm working on an Akka.NET cluster that will be hosted as Azure Cloud Services and ran into the same problem.
The quickest way I found to accomplish this is to write a logging adapter (though I' still relatively new to Akka.NET, so take this advice with a pinch of salt). Here's the basic one I'm using for now:
public class ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger : ReceiveActor
public ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger()
Receive<InitializeLogger>(_ =>
Trace.WriteLine("Compute emulator console logger started.");
Sender.Tell(new LoggerInitialized());
Receive<LogEvent>(ev =>
And in the akka
HOCON configuration section add the class' path and assembly name, for example:
loggers = [ "WorkerRole2.ComputeEmulatorConsoleLogger,WorkerRole2" ]
It's not perfect, but as you can see it works well enough so you're not pulling your hair out wondering what the actor system is up to: