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How to combine 3 or more CompletionStages?

If have 2 CompletionStages, I can combine them with thenCombine method:

CompletionStage<A> aCompletionStage = getA();
CompletionStage<B> bCompletionStage = getB();
CompletionStage<Combined> combinedCompletionStage =
    aCompletionStage.thenCombine(bCompletionStage, (aData, bData) -> combine(aData, bData));

If I have 3 or more CompletionStages, I can make a chain of thenCombine methods, but I have to use temporary objects to pass results. For example, here is a solution using Pair and Triple from the org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple package:

CompletionStage<A> aCompletionStage = getA();
CompletionStage<B> bCompletionStage = getB();
CompletionStage<C> cCompletionStage = getC();
CompletionStage<D> dCompletionStage = getD();

CompletionStage<Combined> combinedDataCompletionStage =
        aCompletionStage.thenCombine(bCompletionStage, (Pair::of))
                .thenCombine(cCompletionStage, (ab, c) ->
                        Triple.of(ab.getLeft(), ab.getRight(), c))
                .thenCombine(dCompletionStage, (abc, d) ->
                        combine(abc.getLeft(), abc.getMiddle(), abc.getRight(), d));

Is there a better way to combine results from multiple CompletionStages?


  • The only way to combine multiple stages that scales well with a growing number of stages, is to use CompletableFuture. If your CompletionStages aren’t CompletableFutures you may still convert them using .toCompletableFuture():

    CompletableFuture<A> aCompletionStage = getA().toCompletableFuture();
    CompletableFuture<B> bCompletionStage = getB().toCompletableFuture();
    CompletableFuture<C> cCompletionStage = getC().toCompletableFuture();
    CompletableFuture<D> dCompletionStage = getD().toCompletableFuture();
    CompletionStage<Combined> combinedDataCompletionStage = CompletableFuture.allOf(
        aCompletionStage, bCompletionStage, cCompletionStage, dCompletionStage)
        .thenApply(ignoredVoid -> combine(
            aCompletionStage.join(), bCompletionStage.join(),
            cCompletionStage.join(), dCompletionStage.join()) );

    This contains more boilerplate than combining two stages via thenCombine but the boilerplate doesn’t grow when adding more stages to it.

    Note that even with your original thenCombine approach, you don’t need a Triple, a Pair is sufficient:

    CompletionStage<Combined> combinedDataCompletionStage =
        aCompletionStage.thenCombine(bCompletionStage, (Pair::of)).thenCombine(
            cCompletionStage.thenCombine(dCompletionStage, Pair::of),
            (ab, cd) -> combine(ab.getLeft(), ab.getRight(), cd.getLeft(), cd.getRight()));

    Still, it doesn’t scale well if you want to combine more stages.

    An in-between solution (regarding complexity) might be:

    CompletionStage<Combined> combinedDataCompletionStage = aCompletionStage.thenCompose(
        a -> bCompletionStage.thenCompose(b -> cCompletionStage.thenCompose(
            c -> dCompletionStage.thenApply(d -> combine(a, b, c, d)))));

    That’s simpler in its structure but still doesn’t scale well with more more stages.