I'm using R to visualize some data all of which is in .txt format. There are a few hundred files in a directory and I want to load it all into one table, in one shot.
Any help?
Listing the files is not a problem. But I am having trouble going from list to content. I've tried some of the code from here, but I get a bug with this part:
all.the.data <- lapply( all.the.files, txt , header=TRUE)
Error in match.fun(FUN) : object 'txt' not found
Any snippets of code that would clarify this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all the answers!
In the meanwhile, I also hacked a method on my own. Let me know if it is any useful:
files <-list.files()
data <- 0
for (f in files) {
tempData = scan( f, what="character")
data <- c(data,tempData)