I'm on IntelliJ 2.4.x and I'm trying to move the Twirl view template into a specific package (not the default package views.html
). The reason for this is I have a sub project and I'd like to avoid clashing view names by namespacing the two sets of views differently. Is there anyway I can do that?
To avoid namespace clash just add standard namespace folders layout into views directory:
views +
L com +
L yourdomain +
L yourTemplateFile.scala.html
Call it from a controller as:
object Application extends Controller {
def = Action {
Ok( views.html.com.yourdomain.yourTemplateFile() )
See Twirl (Play template engine) project for more details.
According to documentation extensions can be: html, js, xml, or txt.
The above works fine in Play 2.4 whether your use Play application layout or SBT Maven layout as described in https://playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/Anatomy
You can check SBT Maven layout test in a basic project I play with on github:
Here Twirl/Play templates are located in src/main/twirl/views