I am using the Apartment gem for a multi-tenant app and I'm using the "host_hash elevator" to switch the tenant based on the subdomain and host of the request.
This is done with the below code (from their documentation):
# application.rb
module MyApplication
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use 'Apartment::Elevators::HostHash', {'example.com' => 'example_tenant'}
Where it says 'example.com' => 'example_tenant' I need to send a hash with the request.host to find the company in my Company model where the value of the request_host database field matches request.host. If that makes sense?
if I hard code in an example so it's like the below code I can get it to work, but I don't know how to dynamically do it based on the request:
# application.rb
module MyApplication
class Application < Rails::Application
config.middleware.use 'Apartment::Elevators::HostHash', {'test.lvh.me:3000' => 'test.lvh.me:3000'}
The above code works because that's the domain that I'm currently on and it matches a field and apartment tenant that I had set up.
However, since this in an initializer when I put 'request.host' there I get an error: undefined local variable/method 'request'
If I use 'Rack::Request.new(env).host' I get undefined local variable/method 'env'
How can I get request.host in an an initializer to solve this problem?
thanks to some help I got on the apartment gem's github issues I was able to figure out a solution.
#company.rb model
def self.full_hosts_hash
Company.all.inject(Hash.new) do |hash, company|
hash[company.request_host] = company.request_host
#apartment.rb initializer
require 'apartment/elevators/host_hash'
Rails.application.config.middleware.use 'Apartment::Elevators::HostHash', Company.full_hosts_hash