I decided to use the Appcode for 30days. (trial) I might buy this product because of powerful features. However, I have a question about building universal framework. Precisely, the Run script for the build phases. In Xcode, I could add the Run scripts at the Build Settings, lipo to make it to universal framework. But I cannot find it in Appcode. I know the Appcode is not popular yet, but I hope there's someone else who struggles to use this new IDE.
Conclusion: 1. Is there any ways to add my Run scripts in the projects? 2. If not, how can I build frameworks as universal? Thanks
Precisely, the Run script for the build phases. In Xcode, I could add the Run scripts at the Build Settings, lipo to make it to universal framework. But I cannot find it in Appcode.
In AppCode you can do it by navigating to Run -> Edit configurations. Then select target on the left. On the right side you will be able to see "Before launch window" and a plus button at the bottom. By pressing it you can add external tool run phase (which is the same with Run script phase in Xcode). See the screenshot