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Error Registering Client IBM Mobile First

I'm using IBM Mobile First Starter pack and am unable to find out how to resolve the error "Error Registering Client". Is there a way to debug this? This started appearing as of yesterday on my mobile application, and since this morning on my simulator as well. I suspect my simulator worked because it was caching credentials.

2015-11-26 18:44:54.835 bluelist-objective-c[32334:2189606] Intializing IMFCLient
2015-11-26 18:44:54.836 bluelist-objective-c[32334:2189606] IapplicationRoute [appurl]
2015-11-26 18:44:54.836 bluelist-objective-c[32334:2189606] IapplicationId [app id]
2015-11-26 18:44:55.286 bluelist-objective-c[32334:2189606] [ERROR] [IMF_REQUEST] -
[IMFAuthorizationRequest requestFailed:error:] in IMFAuthorizationRequest.m:368 :: 
Status code='400' error='Expected status code in (200-299), got 400' response='Error 
registering client'
2015-11-26 18:44:55.289 bluelist-objective-c[32334:2189606] [ERROR] [IMF] -
[IMFAuthorizationRequest requestFailed:error:] in IMFAuthorizationRequest.m:372 :: 
Error=Error Domain=WLAFNetworkingErrorDomain Code=-1011 "Expected status code in (200-299), 
got 400" UserInfo={WLAFNetworkingOperationFailingURLRequestErrorKey=<NSMutableURLRequest: 
0x7ff9714135b0> { URL: [appurl]/imf-authserver/authorization/v1/apps/
6e88ec09-fa48-4848-aeef-8fe59c3226e9/clients/instance }, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=
Error registering client, NSErrorFailingURLKey=[appurl]/imf-authserver/authorization/v1/
=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x7ff971536660> { URL: [appurl]/imf-authserver/authorization/v1/apps/
6e88ec09-fa48-4848-aeef-8fe59c3226e9/clients/instance } { status code: 400, headers {
    Connection = "Keep-Alive";
    "Content-Type" = "text/plain";
    Date = "Fri, 27 Nov 2015 02:44:55 GMT";
    "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
    "X-Backside-Transport" = "FAIL FAIL";
    "X-Cf-Requestid" = "aad33684-69d5-4535-433a-216e141a3d2d";
    "X-Client-IP" = "";
    "X-Global-Transaction-ID" = 1566005617;
    "X-Powered-By" = "Servlet/3.0";
} }, NSLocalizedDescription=Expected status code in (200-299), got 400}


  • That canOpenURL: failed for URL:"fbauth2://" error is indicative of an issue with your Info.plist security settings. First I'd confirm or add the following LSApplicationQueriesSchemes values to your Info.plist.

    As per Facebook's recommendations outlined here


    If that does not resolve the issue on its own I would also look at replacing your Application Transport Security definitions in your Info.plist as well. For the sake of testing you may want to replace your full ATS with


    There's some more information on IBM blog posts about ATS and iOS9 in general working with Bluemix that can be found here and here