I have a little routine that makes up a cumulative XOR hash. It's as if it is a savings account which gets bigger, cumulatively daily.. but in this sense we're saying the answer is being generated cumulatively and the key is always present.
I have taken a string of chars
pseudo code:
char H[10] = { "ABCDEFGHI", "\0" };
and I used 9 32-bit numeric keys to hash them in XOR encryption.
I did it like this:
for (i;i<10;i++)
bitset<32> K ^= H[i] ^ NUMKEY[i];
Now this makes it impervious without the calculus plotting I did (see what I did there?) So K
is an accumulation of calculus points, which are completely predictable according to calculus.
as far as I know, to undo it, I do
for (i;i<10;i++) {
X ^= K ^ NUMKEY[i];
Is there other math involved? I think I have to take that X
and do a little K - X
to find the true derivative.
Here's the current routine I have for it. But I'm not getting what I'm looking for.
for_each (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in), \
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), \
[&] (long x) {
alpha = static_cast<long>(cred[size]);
delta = static_cast<long>(x);
lambda ^= (alpha ^ delta);
for (;i<bn;i++) {
alpha = static_cast<unsigned long>(cred[bn-1-i]);
int m = lambda.to_ulong(), n = alpha.to_ulong();
long hash1 = abs((m-n-1)%256-1);
delta = static_cast<unsigned long>(hash1);
cout << hash1 << " ";
Please have a safe and Merry Christmas. Thank you in advance!
I think what you might really want is a one time pad. (the snippet is javascript as pseudocode moving in that direction)
//ignore these top 3 functions (they're just for printing output)
function appendLine(text, target, space, color) {
var line = document.createElement("div");
line.style.border = "1px solid " + color;
line.style.padding = line.style.margin = space;
line.style["font-family"] = "monospace";
return line;
function makeSection(title) {
var d = appendLine(title, document.body, "5px", "#dddddd");
var results = document.createElement("div");
return function(result) {
appendLine(result, results, "2px", "#eeeeee");
function toHex(arr) {
return arr.map(function(n){
var h = (n >>> 0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
while(h.length < 8) h = "0" + h;
return h;
//your message
var H = "ABCDEFGHI".split("").map(function(c){return c.charCodeAt(0)});
//your secret encoding key
var NUMKEY = Array.apply(null, Array(9)).map(function(){return Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)});
//what you're doing
(function() {
var section = makeSection("what you're doing:");
section("ABCDEFGHI as array of 32bit numbers: " + toHex(H));
section("NUMKEY: " + toHex(NUMKEY));
var K = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
K ^= H[i] ^ NUMKEY[i];
section("K: " + toHex([K]));
var X = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
X ^= K ^ NUMKEY[i];
section("X: " + toHex([X]));
//what you're trying to do
(function() {
var section = makeSection("what you're trying to do:");
section("ABCDEFGHI as array of 32bit numbers: " + toHex(H));
section("NUMKEY: " + toHex(NUMKEY));
var Hs_XORd = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Hs_XORd ^= H[i];
section("H's XOR'd together: " + toHex([Hs_XORd]));
var NUMKEYs_XORd = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < H.length; i++) {
section("NUMKEY's XOR'd together: " + toHex([NUMKEYs_XORd]));
var K = NUMKEYs_XORd ^ Hs_XORd;
section("K: " + toHex([K]));
var X = K ^ NUMKEYs_XORd;
section("X (should be the same as H's XOR'd together): " + toHex([X]));
//what I think you mean to be doing (one time pad)
(function() {
var section = makeSection("what I think you mean to be doing (one time pad):");
section("ABCDEFGHI as array of 32bit numbers: " + toHex(H));
section("NUMKEY: " + toHex(NUMKEY));
var K = [];
for (var i = 0; i < H.length; i++) {
K[i] = H[i] ^ NUMKEY[i];
section("K (encoded message using NUMKEY as one time pad): " + toHex(K));
var X = [];
for (var i = 0; i < K.length; i++) {
X[i] = K[i] ^ NUMKEY[i];
section("X (decoded message, should be the same as ABCDEFGHI): " + toHex(X));