I'm using weld-se
for testing one of my JSR-330
annotated class.
@Inject HelloWorld any;
@Inject @Named("impl") HelloWorld namedAsImpl;
@Inject @Named("demo") HelloWorld namedAsDemo;
@Inject @Impl HelloWorld qualifiedWithImpl;
@Inject @Demo HelloWorld qualifiedWithDemo;
I successfully injected those fields with Guice, Dagger, and Dagger2.
I prepared a provider class.
public class HelloWorldWeldProvider {
@Produces HelloWorld any() {
return current().nextBoolean()
? new HelloWorldImpl() : new HelloWorldDemo();
@Produces @Named("impl") HelloWorld namedAsImpl() {
return new HelloWorldImpl();
@Produces @Named("demo") HelloWorld namedAsDemo() {
return new HelloWorldDemo();
@Produces @Impl HelloWorld qualifiedWithImpl() {
return new HelloWorldImpl();
@Produces @Demo HelloWorld qualifiedWithDemo() {
return new HelloWorldDemo();
And Weld complains
WELD-001409: Ambiguous dependencies for type HelloWorld with qualifiers @Default
at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject ....any
at ....any(HelloWorldDependencyInjectionTest.java:0)
Possible dependencies:
- Producer Method [HelloWorld] with qualifiers [@Default @Any @Named] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Named ....namedAsDemo()],
- Producer Method [HelloWorld] with qualifiers [@Default @Any @Named] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Named ....namedAsImpl()],
- Producer Method [HelloWorld] with qualifiers [@Any @Default] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces ....any()]
Is this normal? or is CDI
works differently than DI
Yes, this is expected. Bean resolution for injection points is governed by the Highlander Principle: "There can be only one."
From the CDI spec:
If a bean does not explicitly declare a qualifier other than
, the bean has exactly one additional qualifier, of type@Default
. This is called the default qualifier.
If an injection point declares no qualifier, the injection point has exactly one qualifier, the default qualifier @Default.
So your unqualified injection point is indeed matched by three beans.
Your second question Is CDI different from DI? depends on your definition of DI. If you mean DI = JSR330, then the answer is yes, or else there would be no point in creating a new spec.