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How do I create and call the httpRequest function in a job?

I have created a Job in cloud code, as well as defined a cloud code function that is an http request. As below, I have the http request defined in the job, and I can run this job successfully, but I can't get the httpRequest function to print to the logs, in order to see that the code is actually being run. Hence, I can't really tell that the job is using the http request. How can I get this http request to print to the logs so that I can see that it is actually working?

//lets define the job
Parse.Cloud.job("simpleGetRequest", function(request, response) {

//lets try to define the httpRequest function.
Parse.Cloud.define("httpRequest", function(request, response) {
    return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
            url: "$select=date_reported",
            success: function(httpResponse) {
                //lets just see if we can get the console to do anyting
                console.log("we made it to this line")
            error: function(httpResponse) {
                response.error('request failed with response code ' + httpResponse)
    //we need to call this response.success to make things happen. lets put this at the end always so we know if at least hte job is a success
    response.success("The scheduled job completed.");


  • There's more you could do to improve the function, but to answer the specific problem, reorder the console logs to execute before calling response success, which terminates the job immediately...

    //lets just see if we can get the console to do anyting
    console.log("we made it to this line")

    Furthermore, do not invoke response success on that last line of the function. This too, terminates the job before the http request completion block has a chance to execute.

    Finally, not sure how you're invoking the job or the function, but its structure is highly unusual, nesting the definition of a cloud function in a job. You should choose whether you want a function to run when invoked by your app (cloud function) or a function that is run by the system on a schedule (job). Here's what each would look like (using promises, which is a necessary habit once you start doing more than a couple things asynchronously in the cloud)...

    Call this job by "scheduling" on the parse web app...

    Parse.Cloud.job("simpleGetRequest", function(request, response) {
        Parse.Cloud.httpRequest().then(function(httpResponse) {
            //lets just see if we can get the console to do anyting
            console.log("we made it to this line")
        }, function(httpResponse) {
            response.error('request failed with response code ' + httpResponse)

    Call this function from app logic, depending on which sdk, with some variety of

    Parse.Cloud.define("simpleGetRequest", function(request, response) {
        Parse.Cloud.httpRequest().then(function(httpResponse) {
            //lets just see if we can get the console to do anyting
            console.log("we made it to this line")
        }, function(httpResponse) {
            response.error('request failed with response code ' + httpResponse)