In python, I am trying to blind and unblind a message. When I unblind the message, I don't get the original message. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong. The following is my code:
s = 'Hello'
loadedPublic = get_publickey()
loadedPrivate = get_privatekey()
pub = loadedPublic.blind(s,23L)
pub2 = loadedPublic.unblind(pub,23L)
return HttpResponse(pub2)
Blinding is a sort of encryption with a random element. It is usually used for Blind Signatures which would look like this:
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from random import SystemRandom
# Signing authority (SA) key
priv = RSA.generate(3072)
pub = priv.publickey()
## Protocol: Blind signature ##
# must be guaranteed to be chosen uniformly at random
r = SystemRandom().randrange(pub.n >> 10, pub.n)
msg = "my message" * 50 # large message (larger than the modulus)
# hash message so that messages of arbitrary length can be signed
hash =
msgDigest = hash.digest()
# user computes
msg_blinded = pub.blind(msgDigest, r)
# SA computes
msg_blinded_signature = priv.sign(msg_blinded, 0)
# user computes
msg_signature = pub.unblind(msg_blinded_signature[0], r)
# Someone verifies
hash =
msgDigest = hash.digest()
print("Message is authentic: " + str(pub.verify(msgDigest, (msg_signature,))))
This is how it is implemented, so you cannot directly unblind the message, because you don't have d
, so the blinded element must be signed first. In order for the blind signature to be secure, you need to randomly generate the blinding factor r
in the range of the signing modulus.