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Create video file using sequence of QPixmap in QT Creator- C++

I have QWidget (named as screenshotLabel) and continuously it's content is changing.I can get that lable content to qpixmap (named as originalPixmap) as bellow.

originalPixmap = QPixmap(); 
QPixmap pixmap(screenshotLabel->size());
originalPixmap = pixmap;

Now I want to save it as a video file.But I could not able to do it.How can I save QWidget content as a video file?


  • I found a way to generate video using OpenCV VideoWriter.I leave comments in the code that describe what is happening.

    originalPixmap = pixmap;
    qImageSingle = originalPixmap.toImage(); // Convert QPixmap to QImage
    // Get QImage data to Open-cv Mat
    frame = Mat(qImageSingle.height(), qImageSingle.width(), CV_8UC3, qImageSingle.bits(), qImageSingle.bytesPerLine()).clone();
    namedWindow("MyVideo", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    imshow("MyVideo", frame);
    vector<int> compression_params;
    try {
        imwrite("alpha2.png", frame, compression_params);
        VideoWriter video("out2.avi", CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'), 10, Size(qImageSingle.width(), qImageSingle.height()), true);
        for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
           video.write(frame); // Write frame to VideoWriter
    catch (runtime_error& ex) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Exception converting image to PNG format: %s\n", ex.what());