I'm trying to use OmniSharp with VisualStudio Code and ASP.NET 5 (VNEXT), but when I try to use Omnisharp, I have this problem:
[ERROR:OmniSharp.Dnx.DnxPaths] The specified runtime path 'default' does not exist. Searched locations
I can run the ASP.NET web project from Command Line and I have tried to use OmniSharpt with Sublime and Atom, but I have the same problem...
I have read this tutorial step by step, and all works fine except this problem... (I'm using OSx El Capitan)
More info here: https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/issues/347
Any ideas?
I installed "1.0.0-rc1-final" and I've been struggling with this few days ago. For whatever reason I don't know yet, the runtimes were installed in /usr/local/lib/dnx/runtimes, but Omnisharp was looking under ~/.dnx/runtimes, which was totally empty.
I've tried to reinstall several times aspnet5 core, and both runtimes (coreclr and mono).
I ended up solving it by doing this (but I still don't know what the real problem was):
rmdir ~/.dnx/runtimes
ln -s /usr/local/lib/dnx/runtimes ~/.dnx/runtimes
Afterwards, VSCode and Atom are working fine.