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Create grammar for retrieving vector of strings

I have a file containing data on the form:

fractal mand1 {

fractal mand2 {
    if (...) {

fractal julia1 {
    a = ss;

I want to extract the name of data containers, so I want to retrieve a vector containing in the specific case mand1, mand2, julia1.

I've read the sample about parsing a number list into a vector, but I want to maintain the grammar in a separate file.

I've create a struct representing the grammar, and then I use it in order to parse the string containing data. I would expect an output like


Instead I obtain

mand1 {

    fractal mand2 {
        if (...) {

    fractal julia1 {
        a = ss;

My parser recognizes the first fractal term but then it parses the rest of the file as single string item instead that parse it as I want.

What I'm doing wrong?

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

using boost::spirit::ascii::space;
using boost::spirit::ascii::space_type;
using boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse;
using boost::spirit::qi::lit;
using boost::spirit::qi::lexeme;
using boost::spirit::qi::skip;
using boost::spirit::ascii::char_;
using boost::spirit::ascii::no_case;
using boost::spirit::qi::rule;

typedef std::string::const_iterator sit;

template <typename Iterator>
struct FractalListParser : boost::spirit::qi::grammar<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), boost::spirit::ascii::space_type> {
    FractalListParser() : FractalListParser::base_type(start)   {

        no_quoted_string %= *(lexeme[+(char_ - '"')]);
        start %= *(no_case[lit("fractal")] >> no_quoted_string >> '{' >> *(skip[*(char_)]) >> '}');

    rule<Iterator, std::string(), space_type> no_quoted_string;
    rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), space_type> start;

int main() {

    const std::string fractalListFile(R"(
    fractal mand1 {

    fractal mand2 {
        if (...) {

    fractal julia1 {
        a = ss;

    std::cout << "Read Test:" << std::endl;
    FractalListParser<sit> parser;
    std::vector<std::string> data;
    bool r = phrase_parse(fractalListFile.begin(), fractalListFile.end(), parser, space, data);
    for (auto& i : data) std::cout << i << std::endl;
    return 0;


  • If you use error handling, you'll find that the parse failed, and nothing got effectively parsed:

    Live On Coliru


    Read Test:
    Parse success:
    mand1 {
    fractal mand2 {
        if (...) {
    fractal julia1 {
        a = ss;
    Remaining unparsed input: 'fractal mand1 {
    fractal mand2 {
        if (...) {
    fractal julia1 {
        a = ss;

    What was the problem?

    1. You probably want to ignore the "body" (between {}). Therefore I suppose you actually wanted to omit the attribute:

           >> '{' >> *(omit[*(char_)]) >> '}'

      rather than skip(*char_).

    2. The expression *char_ is greedy, and will always match to the end of input... You probably wanted to limit the charset:

      • in the "name" *~char_("\"{") to avoid "eating" all of the body as well. To avoid matching spaces use graph (e.g. +graph - '"'). In case you want to parse "identifiers" be explicit e.g.

        alpha > *(alnum | char_('_'))
      • in the body *~char_('}') or *(char_ - '}') (the latter being less efficient).

    3. The nesting of optional quantifiers is not productive:


      Will just have very slow worst-case runtime (because *char_ could be empty, and *(omit[*(char_)]) could also be empty). Say what you mean instead:

    4. The simplest way to have a lexeme is to drop the skipper from the rule declaration (see also Boost spirit skipper issues)

    Program logic:

    1. Since your sample contains nested blocks (mand2 for example), you need to treat the blocks recursively in order to avoid calling the first } the end of the outer block:

      block = '{' >> -block % (+~char_("{}")) >> '}';

    Loose hints:

    1. use BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG to find out where parsing is rejected/matched. E.g. after refactoring the rules a bit:

      we got the output (On Coliru):

      Read Test:
      <try>fractal mand1 {\n    </try>
          <try>mand1 {\n    ;lkkj;kj</try>
          <success> {\n    ;lkkj;kj;\n}\n\n</success>
          <attributes>[[m, a, n, d, 1]]</attributes>
          <try>{\n    ;lkkj;kj;\n}\n\nf</try>
      <success>fractal mand1 {\n    </success>
      Parse success:
      Remaining unparsed input: 'fractal mand1 {
      fractal mand2 {
          if (...) {
      fractal julia1 {
          a = ss;

      That output helped me spot that I actually forgot the - '}' part in the body rule... :)

    2. No need for %= when there are no semantic actions involved in that rule definition (docs)

    3. you probably want to make sure fractal is actually a separate word, so you don't match fractalset multi { .... }

    Demo Program

    With these in place we can have a working demo:

    Live On Coliru

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    template <typename Iterator>
    struct FractalListParser : qi::grammar<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), qi::space_type> {
        FractalListParser() : FractalListParser::base_type(start)   {
            using namespace qi;
            identifier = alpha > *(alnum | char_('_'));
            block      = '{' >> -block % +~char_("{}") >> '}';
            start      = *(
                            no_case["fractal"] >> identifier >> block
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<std::string>(), qi::space_type> start;
        // lexemes (just drop the skipper)
        qi::rule<Iterator, std::string()> identifier;
        qi::rule<Iterator> block; // leaving out the attribute means implicit `omit[]`
    int main() {
        using It = boost::spirit::istream_iterator;
        It f(std::cin >> std::noskipws), l;
        std::cout << "Read Test:" << std::endl;
        FractalListParser<It> parser;
        std::vector<std::string> data;
        bool r = qi::phrase_parse(f, l, parser, qi::space, data);
        if (r) {
            std::cout << "Parse success:\n";
            for (auto& i : data)
                std::cout << "----\n" << i << "\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
        if (f != l)
            std::cout << "Remaining unparsed input: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";


    Read Test:
    Parse success: