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Returning a Dictionary from a Bash Function

I want to have a function in bash, which create a Dictionary as a local variable. Fill the Dictionary with one element and then return this dictionary as output.

Is the following code correct?

function Dictionary_Builder ()
local  The_Dictionary
unset  The_Dictionary
declare -A The_Dictionary
return $The_Dictionary

How can I access to the output of the function above? Can I use the following command in bash?



  • To capture output of a command or function, use command substitution:


    and output the value to return, i.e. replace return with echo. You can't easily return a structure, though, but you might try returning a string that declares it (see below).

    There's no need to use local and unset in the function. declare creates a local variable inside a function unless told otherwise by -g. The newly created variable is always empty.

    To add a single element to an empty variable, you can assign it directly, no + is needed:


    In other words

    Dictionary_Builder () {
        declare -A The_Dictionary=([A_Key]=A_Word)
        echo "([${!The_Dictionary[@]}]=${The_Dictionary[@]})"
    declare -A The_Output_Dictionary="$(Dictionary_Builder)"
    echo key: ${!The_Output_Dictionary[@]}
    echo value: ${The_Output_Dictionary[@]}

    For multiple keys and values, you need to loop over the dictionary:

    Dictionary_Builder () {
        declare -A The_Dictionary=([A_Key]=A_Word
        echo '('
        for key in  "${!The_Dictionary[@]}" ; do
            echo "[$key]=${The_Dictionary[$key]}"
        echo ')'
    declare -A The_Output_Dictionary="$(Dictionary_Builder)"
    for key in  "${!The_Output_Dictionary[@]}" ; do
        echo key: $key, value: ${The_Output_Dictionary[$key]}