I have an Excel table as follows:
Color | Inventory
Blue | 180
Red | 50
Green | 10
I want to look up the inventory of the color that I would require depending which product I'm going to use and then subtract if it was used on a past line, my table would look like this:
Item | Color | Usage | Inventory Left
ABC | Blue | 50 | 130
BCD | Blue | 30 | 100
CDE | Blue | 50 | 50
EFG | Red | 25 | 25
FGH | Red | 10 | 15
GHI | Green | 5 | 5
How could I do it with an Excel formula?
I was thinking in some type of SUMIF with OFFSET but I can't figure it out.
With a layout as shown, please try:
The principle would be the same but a different layout might be more convenient.