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Resize & Compress Image in Web Worker. Can I use a canvas?


I'm now processing on the client select image.

I want to do two actions on that image, and outputs the base64-encoded string.

  1. If the image size has a width or height larger than 1000, resize it.
  2. Compress the image with jpeg of quality 0.5.

So now I will do the below in the main script:

$(function() {

  $('#upload').change(function() {

    var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;

    var imgURL = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);

    var img = new Image();

    img.onload = function() {

      var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
      var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      var w0 = img.width;
      var h0 = img.height;
      var w1 = Math.min(w0, 1000);
      var h1 = h0 / w0 * w1;

      canvas.width = w1;
      canvas.height = h1;

      ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w0, h0,
        0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

      // Here, the result is ready, 
      var data_src = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.5);
      $('#img').attr('src', data_src);


    img.src = imgURL;


<script src=""></script>
<input id="upload" type="file" accept="image/*" />
<img id="img" />

The Problem

But still, my code will work on a mobile, where the above procedure(resize and compress) can not work out soon. It causes the GUI stop response for a moment.

I want the procedure work in another thread, using web worker. So it won't block the UI, so the user experience would be better.

Now comes the problem, it seemed the web worker cannot deal with a canvas, how can I work around this?


  • Some Event driven coding

    Saddly Web workers are not yet ready with browser support.

    Limited support for toDataURL in web workers means another solution is needed. See MDN web worker APIs (ImageData) mid way down the page, only for Firefox at the moment.

    Looking at your onload you have all the heavy duty work done in one blocking call to onload. You are blocking the UI during the process of creating the new canvas, getting its context, scaling, and toDataURL (don't know what revokeObjectURL does). You need to let the UI get a few calls in while this is happening. So a little event driven processing will help reduce the glitch if not make it unnoticeable.

    Try rewriting the onload function as follows.

    // have added some debugging code that would be useful to know if
    // this does not solve the problem. Uncomment it and use it to see where
    // the big delay is.
    img.onload = function () {
        var canvas, ctx, w, h, dataSrc, delay; // hosit vars just for readability as the following functions will close over them
                                        // Just for the uninitiated in closure.
        // var now, CPUProfile = [];  // debug code 
        delay = 10; // 0 could work just as well and save you 20-30ms
        function revokeObject() { // not sure what this does but playing it safe
            // as an event.
            // now =; // debug code
            //CPUProfile.push(; // debug code
            // setTimeout( function () { CPUProfile.forEach ( time => console.log(time)), 0);
        function decodeImage() {
            // now =; // debug code
            $('#img').attr('src', dataSrc);
            setTimeout(revokeObject, delay); // gives the UI a second chance to get something done.
            //CPUProfile.push(; // debug code
        function encodeImage() {
            // now =; // debug code
            dataSrc = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.5);
            setTimeout(decodeImage, delay); // gives the UI a second chance to get something done.
            //CPUProfile.push(; // debug code
        function scaleImage() {
            // now =; // debug code
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            setTimeout(encodeImage, delay); // gives the UI a second chance to get something done.
            //CPUProfile.push(; // debug code
        // now =; // debug code
        canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        w = Math.min(img.width, 1000);
        h = img.height / img.width * w;
        canvas.width = w;
        canvas.height = h;
        setTimeout(scaleImage, delay); // gives the UI a chance to get something done.
        //CPUProfile.push(; // debug code

    setTimeout allows the current call to exit, freeing up the call stack and allowing the UI to get its mitts on the DOM. I have given 10ms, personally I would start with 0ms as call stack access is not blocked, but I am playing it safe

    With luck the problem will be greatly reduced. If it still remains an unacceptable delay then I can have a look at the CPU profile and see if a solution can not be found by targeting the bottle neck. My guess is the toDataURL is where the load is. If it is, a possible solution is to find a JPG encoder written in javascript that can be converted to an event driven encoder.

    The problem is not how long it takes to process the data, but how long you block the UI.