Im trying to get the last modified time of a file before and after i write to it using fwrite. But, i get the same values for some reason.
$i = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $i);
echo "<br/>";
$e=fopen('log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($e, "well well well");
$j = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $j);
Now i modify 'log.txt' with a text editor about a minute before i run this script. So i should be getting about 40-60 seconds of time difference. If someone could point out what is happening here, that'd be really appreciated. Thanks.
The documentation of filemtime states that results of this function are cached. Maybe you can try it with clearstatcache:
$i = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $i);
echo "<br/>";
$e=fopen('log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($e, "well well well");
$j = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $j);