I am going thorough the jointjs tutorial, in particular HelloWorld (http://www.jointjs.com/tutorial#hello-world). The basic example works fine except for the fact that the space in text: 'my box', results in the strange character. However, adding another small paper as suggested in the tutorial does not work, I do not get 2 working papers as indicated in the tutorial. The suggested addition is
var paperSmall = new joint.dia.Paper({
el: $('#myholder-small'),
width: 600,
height: 100,
model: graph,
gridSize: 1
paperSmall.$el.css('pointer-events', 'none');
How to combine the addition with the main code? The main code is below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="joint.css" />
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="lodash.js"></script>
<script src="backbone.js"></script>
<script src="joint.js"></script>
<div id="myholder"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;
var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
el: $('#myholder'),
width: 600,
height: 200,
model: graph,
gridSize: 1
var rect = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
position: { x: 100, y: 30 },
size: { width: 100, height: 30 },
attrs: { rect: { fill: 'blue' }, text: { text: 'my box', fill: 'white' } }
var rect2 = rect.clone();
var link = new joint.dia.Link({
source: { id: rect.id },
target: { id: rect2.id }
graph.addCells([rect, rect2, link]);
Somehow the tutorial does not specify that the second Paper should be associated with another div in HTML:
<div id="myholder-small"></div>