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Obtain row and column index from cell name in LibreOffice Calc

I have a cell name as value in a variable. Example: myCellName = "C9"

I need the index of row and column for that cell in a separate variables. Example:

  • rowIndex = myCellName .getRow() 3
  • columnIndex = myCellName .getColumn() 9


  • At first: In your question you messed row and column. C9 is column C which is the third column and row 9 which is the ninth row.

    At second: With Liberoffice and Openoffice the column and row numbers are 0 based. So the third column is column 2 and the ninth row is row 8.

    To get the column number and row number from a cell name, you can use getcellRangeByName, see, and then get the CellAddress from this Range object using getCellAddress, see


    First we use an existent Calc document with an existent sheet.

    Sub Test1
     myCellName = "C9"
     oRange = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellRangeByName(myCellName)
     oCellAddress = oRange.getCellAddress()
     msgbox oCellAddress.Row '8
     msgbox oCellAddress.Column '2
    End Sub

    Maybe we have not an existent Calc document with an existent sheet, then we can create some first:

    Sub Test2
     myCellName = "C9"
     oDoc = CreateUnoService("")
     oSheet = oDoc.createInstance("")
     oDoc.Sheets.insertByName("MySheet", oSheet)
     oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(myCellName)
     oCellAddress = oRange.getCellAddress()
     msgbox oCellAddress.Row '8
     msgbox oCellAddress.Column '2
     oCellAddress = Nothing
     oRange = Nothing
     oSheet = Nothing
     oDoc = Nothing
    End Sub