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How to get component reference inside of the model save callback functions?

I have a login component with a model that goes to the server and receives an error if the login was no correct.

Here is the idea of what I'm talking about:

var LoginModel = can.Model.extend({
    create : "POST /account/login"

    tag: "pod-login",
    template: can.view("/static/js/views/login_form.stache"),
        login: new LoginModel(),
        processLogin: function(login) {
            // I need to access the component here
        processLoginError: function(response) {
            // I need to access the component here
    events: {
        "#login_button click": function() {
            var form = this.element.find( 'form' );
            var values = can.deparam(form.serialize());


The problem here is that when I try to use "this" inside the model login handlers I'm getting an object that ins't the current component instance. On the proessLoginError I got the xhr reference for instance.

How to access the component inside processLogin and processLoginError?

My workaround here was to use $('some_html_element_on_my_template').data('component', this) inside the login_button click event and access it inside the callback functions but I think that this could be handled better.

Any insight guys?


  • You need to bind context to the callbacks: this.viewModel.login.attr(values).save( this.viewModel.processLogin.bind(this), this.viewModel.processLoginError.bind(this) );

    And don't forget to include es5-shim for IE8.