I'm attempting to log in to a website but my env variables are not inserting properly in the necessary form. I am using Figaro and my environment variables are safely stored in config/application.yml
. I can confirm two things...
My environment vars return properly when testing in the Rails console (e.g. ENV["WHATEVER"] returns the proper value)
# app/helpers/scrape_wf.rb
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get('https://www.wealthfront.com/login')
login_form = page.forms.first
login_form.email = ENV["WF_EMAIL"]
login_form.password = ENV["WF_PASSWORD"]
home_page = login_form.submit
puts page.title # => Log In to Wealthfront
puts home_page.title # => Log In to Wealthfront
login_form.email = "my_harcoded_email"
login_form.password = "my_harcoded_password"
home_page = login_form.submit
puts page.title # => Log In to Wealthfront
puts home_page.title # => Wealthfront
and in the console...
rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 4.2.4)
[1] pry(main)> ENV["WF_EMAIL"]
=> "my_harcoded_email"
[2] pry(main)> ENV["WF_PASSWORD"]
=> "my_harcoded_password"
What am I doing wrong...?
According to this excellent post...
When you install the Figaro gem in your Rails app, any values that you enter into config/application.yml will be loaded into the ruby ENV hash on startup.
...since I am developing the script and running it from the command line (i.e. ruby such_and_such.rb) my environment variables are not being set/initialized and hence they are blank when the script executes.
Solution: Print scrape results to a view (which, confirmed, does work) rather than console.