What I have is an MS-SQL database that I use to store data/info coming from equipment that is mounted in some vehicles (1-3 devices per vehicle).
For the moment, there is a table in the database named DeviceStatus - a big table used to store every information from the equipment when they connect to the TCP-server. Records are added (sql INSERT) or updated (sql UPDATE) here.
Sample data:
1040 305 3 8.00 0
1044 305 2 8.00 0
1063 305 1 8.01 1.34
1071 312 2 8.00 0
1075 312 1 8.00 1.33
1078 312 3 8.00 0
1099 414 3 8.00 0
1106 414 2 8.01 0
1113 102 1 8.01 1.34
1126 102 3 8.00 0
Remark: The driver console is always related to the device installed on first position (it's an extension of Device on Position 1; obvioulsly there's only one console per vehicle) - so, this will be some sort of restriction in order to have the correct info in the desired table(view) presented below :).
What I need is a SQL query (command/statement) to create a table(view) for a so-called "Software Versions Table", where I can see the software version for all devices installed in vehicles (all that did connect and communicate with the server)... something like the table below:
Remark: Device#1 for 414 is missing because it didn't communicate (not yet I guess...)
I like the PIVOT answer, but here is another way:
select VehicleNo,
max(DriverConsoleVersion) DriverConsoleVersion,
max(case when DevicePosition = 1 then DeviceSwVersion end) Device1SwVersion,
max(case when DevicePosition = 2 then DeviceSwVersion end) Device2SwVersion,
max(case when DevicePosition = 3 then DeviceSwVersion end) Device3SwVersion
from @DeviceInfo
group by VehicleNo
order by VehicleNo
You can also do casting or formatting on them. So one might be:
select ...,
max(case when DevicePosition = 1 then DeviceSwVersion end)
as decimal(8,2)) / 100) as varchar(5)), '') Device1SwVersion,