How to define a field that depends on other field using factory-boy
For instance, I'd like to define an email
that depends on the first name
and last name
of an User
I tried using the post_generation
decorator. However, my system requires the definition of the email before creating the instance.
Use LazyAttribute:
from the docs:
The LazyAttribute is a simple yet extremely powerful building brick for extending a Factory.
It takes as argument a method to call (usually a lambda); that method should accept the object being built as sole argument, and return a value.
class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = User
username = 'john'
email = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: '%[email protected]' % o.username)
or the lazy_attribute decorator.
from the docs:
If a simple lambda isn’t enough, you may use the lazy_attribute() decorator instead.
This decorates an instance method that should take a single argument, self; the name of the method will be used as the name of the attribute to fill with the return value of the method:
class UserFactory(factory.Factory)
class Meta:
model = User
name = u"Jean"
def email(self):
# Convert to plain ascii text
clean_name = (unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return u'%[email protected]' % clean_name