Consider the following tests completed on the lua cli:
Lua 5.2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2015, PUC-Rio
> line = "Conference 1-12345-a.b.c (1 member rate: 32000 flags: running|answered|enforce_min|dynamic|exit_sound|enter_sound)"
I'm trying to extract the 12345
from Conference 1-12345-a.b.c
This works:
> searchtextok = "1%-(%d%d%d%d)"
> print(string.match(line, searchtextok));
But this fails:
> searchtextok = "1%-(%d%d%d%d)%-"
> print(string.match(line, searchtextok));
But I don't understand why. I'm currently reading this but if you have any pointers, that'd be great.
What your first pattern means is "1, followed by dash, followed by 4 digits". The second one is the same, but followed by a dash. Since after the four digits you have another digit (1-12345-a.b.c) and not a dash, the match fails.