I am working on a Rails application where the previous developer had created a Users model, then later dropped it in lieu of another solution. The migration files are still in the repository, but obviously the table doesn't exist. I am now trying to create a User authentication system to integrate a blog, but I am running into the issue of the previous migration and getting the following error message when trying rails g model User
"Another migration is already named create_users..."
Is it possible there a way to create Users again?
Just to be extra clear. There is a create_users and later a drop_users migration.
1. $ rails g model User --migration=false
2. $ rails g migration create_users_again
3. open create_users_again migration file (created in step 2), and define your table as:
def change
create_table :users do |t|
t.email :string
add_index :email
You can look your old create_users migration file for help.