Is it possible to do a PUT request with multipart form data?
With Superagent I would expect the following to work, but it doesn't.
var request = Request
.field("size", file.size)
.attach("file", file.file,
If I do a post, it works. The difference is the Content-Type. With the successful post request the Content-Type is multipart/form-data; boundary=------WebKitFormBoundaryXg34NkBFcYWq60mH
If I were to set this manually how would I know what the boundary should be? It seems to be automatically generated by Superagent.
You should probably do a POST, per Tum's comment.
If I were to set this manually how would I know what the boundary should be? It seems to be automatically generated by Superagent.
You should let Superagent manage that by itself - don't try to set the type yourself, leave off the type call and it will include the correct boundary identifier when it sets it as multi-part itself.