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Spatial predicates with Hibernate 5 ORM

I´m migrating an existing application from Hibernate 3.6.10.Final (with hibernate-spatial 1.1.1) to Hibernate 5 ORM, which is supposed to include spatial capabilities. Therefore, I removed the reference to org.hibernatespatial in the pom.xml and upgrade 3.6.10.Final so that I'll have :


Where before I'd have queries created with spatial criteria, I get compilation errors as if it wouldn't find certain classes. For example, before I'd have something like :

import org.hibernatespatial.criterion.SpatialRelateExpression;
import org.hibernatespatial.criterion.SpatialRestrictions;

SpatialRelateExpression geomExpression = SpatialRestrictions.within("geom", area);

Eclipse will raise that "SpatialRelateExpression cannot be resolved" (same for SpatialRestrictions. Even though I thought it would be enough to change the imports to these :

import org.hibernate.spatial.criterion.SpatialRelateExpression;
import org.hibernate.spatial.criterion.SpatialRestrictions;

And again Eclipse will complain that "The import org.hibernate.spatial cannot be resolved". When I open the hibernate-core-5.0.4.Final.jar and hibernate-entity-manager-5.0.4.Final.jar libraries I can't find an org.hibernate.spatial package, but according to Hibernate 5 documentation about those spatial related classes I'd expect them to be ther.

I tried to Google for this, but maybe because Hibernate 5 has not been in the market for such a long time, I constantly get references to Hibernate 4.

My questions are :

  • Do I need to change anything in my pom.xml and Maven dependencies to have spatial capabilities available? I expected them to be fully integrated in Hibernate main library.
  • Should I make any substantial changes to my spatial query criteria in order to work with Hibernate 5? I couldn't find good examples out there.


  • You are missing the hibernate-spatial dependency. It is not being pulled as transitive dependency from hibernate-entitymanager.


    The documentation that you linked to is the documentation of all Hibernate modules combined, not just the core.